Why and HOW we Homeschool

Why and HOW we Homeschool

People homeschool for many different reasons. When my husband and I first met, we discussed wanting kids and wanting to homeschool them- someday. I couldn't pinpoint an exact reason at the time. Afterall, I didn't have kids then. I was 22 and I thought I knew so much.  I wasn't homeschooled and I wasn't a [...]

Transitions are Hard!

Boy, transitions can be challenging! Moving from High School to college or the real world; transitions between jobs; transition to marriage or to having a baby...or 2 ...or more! We go through transitions every single day! For me, just transitioning from January to February has kicked my booty! Now I could complain and go on [...]



A day in the life of This stay at home mom. Today, someone called me super mom. ...When someone texts you, it's nearly impossible to correctly identify their tone, so my first instinct was to think that she meant it sarcastically. (she didn't) I am Not a super mom. I'm not even a super person. [...]