
I consider myself a serious crafter.

I have said before that if a single day goes by and I haven’t worked on a creative project, I feel like that day has been wasted.

I crochet, I cross stitch, I paint, I build, I design, I draw, I write. I LOVE to make things. It’s something I’m extremely passionate about. Walking through a craft store or walking down the yarn aisle is actually a cathartic experience for me! I look at the possibility; I see what projects and creations Could be. It’s limitless and extremely exciting!

A long time ago, I stumbled onto a hilarious concept called “pinterest fails.” I am a person who uses pinterest every single day. I’m not naive enough to believe that I will ever use or even remember all of the thousands of pins that I’ve saved. But I have tried many; I’d say at least a hundred. So far, I’ve only had one embarassing/massive pinterest fail. But other than that, I’ve had Huge success. If you told me that I had only one website that I could use for the rest of my life, it would be that one. Pinterest is simply, something I cannot (will not) do without!

I suppose my point in telling you this is to dedicate this section to Creativity and Crafty things! It’s such a huge part of who I am that it Has to be a part of this blog as well.

Tonight I have something special to feature too!

A little less than a year ago, I decided that I needed a desk. In our tiny 2 bedroom house, at the time, we had no room left. Between 2 kids and 2 adults (plus about 900 pieces of LuLaRoe clothes), we were out of space. I saw {on Pinterest, of course} a really innovative idea! It was a desk, mounted to the wall that folded up and stored away to save floor space when not in use. Something like this:


My wheels immediately began turning. As with most things, my first stop was amazon prime. It was a little out of my price range to simply purchase a desk and install it, but I happened to have a handful of wood.

Seriously, all I had was about 6 uneven planks of wood that were about 2 1/2 ft long. I also had some spare plywood of various lengths (but the same width!)

It suddenly occurred to me that I can make anything (just about!) Honestly, that’s an incredibly empowering mindset!

My husband laughed out loud when I told him my plan to build my own desk! Iexplained my plan and told him how perfect it would be! I can place it right in the kitchen so I can watch the kids play and still work on LuLaRoe stuff!

I drew it all out. I made a trip to home depot and I started measuring things. Even the men at home depot didn’t have a clue as to what I was talking about. More than once, I received a look that asked, “What is this poor little girl talking about?”

It didn’t get to me. I had a vision and it literally looked like this:


I don’t own a saw. And home depot won’t cut things as intricately as I was asking them too, so I called my Dad! He was rushing out the door, but he stopped what he was doing, cleared off his work bench (cause Dad’s have those sort of things) and got the table saw ready.

I had pre-marked every cut that I needed! Dad did the cutting and then I took that wood home, full of purpose… so excited I could barely contain it!

During the kids nap time, I got to work! Using my trusty blue print as a loose plan, I lined everything up and started drilling!


Nailing too. It’s important to mention that I also used nails!

I worked on it through naptime and tried to be as quiet as I could. Here it is all put together (Gilmore Girls in the background… honestly every day)

I. Was. So. Proud.

Dylan was floored. I couldn’t explain it to anyone else the right way. I couldn’t put in to words how I was trying to make this work. I just knew what I wanted. I knew how to do it and I just did it.

I suppose this is the moment for philosophy.

Sometimes, a vision is very clear and simple. Sometimes you need help from others. Sometimes you do it all yourself. No matter what, appreciate the journey.

That day, I had a fire light beneath me. I saw a blib of what could be (on Pinterest of all places). I wanted it and I wanted it right now! I didn’t want to wait. I drew it out and I made it myself. It was AMAZING! A few days later, I had Dylan mount it to the wall. A few days after that, he accepted a job 1000 miles away and we found out we’d be moving. It’s hilarious really!

I didn’t even get to use it! We removed it from the wall and brought it with us to Texas. Eventually, I will use my lovely wall desk. Here’s the finished and painted result:


What do you think? It’s amazing what you can do with some scrap wood and an “I can do anything” attitude!